
I would like to know how to stop my kitten from drinking out the the facets?

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My kitten has plenty of water in her water bowl, but insist on trying to drink out the the kitchen sick and bathroom sink. Please let me know how I can get her to stop doing this?




  1. Why would you want to?  It prefers the feel and taste of this water much better.  If you still want it to stop, just simply pick her up and put her on the floor while saying no, gently.  Keep doing it and she will soon get the hint.

  2. Pfft. Kitty doesn't FEEL like drinking out of the peasant bowl, mmkay?

    We have a cat that does this. She'll sit by the kitchen faucet and rub against it, then stare at us until we turn it on for her.

    Anyway, keep a small pitcher full of water nearby the water bowl, if you can. If you see her looking for a drink at the sink, pick her up and put her by her water bowl (it should already have water in it), then slowly pour some water in from the pitcher to get her interested in it until she starts drinking. Do this a few times and after a few days (or weeks, if she's stubborn), then she'll be at the bowl.

    Then again, she may always be this prissy and you'll simply have to be her slave. =D

  3. If you see the cat doing this squirt her with a water bottle.Cats hate this but it doesn't harm them.If you are not around put disposable pie pans upside down on the counters.The noise scares them and they won't continue to jump on to the counters.Be patient but firm and your new kitty will learn to be the puuurfect pet.ENJOY!!!!

  4. i know a lot of cats that like the running water better.  It's like a water fountain for them i guess...  I think it tastes fresher that way too....  I guess you could try to change their water more, but I wouldn't stress it....  I had a few cats in the past that did that...  I think it's cute :-)

  5. some animals just really love running water and wont drink water from a bowl. try getting a bowl that has a running fountain. they are only about $20 at any place. Good Luck

  6. well .... the way i got my cat to stop drinking from the sink is i got a plastic bowl and filled it with water i let him watch me pour the water from the sink in the the cup but he finaly got the idea and drank out of the little plastic bowl  

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