
I would like to know if a Gas conversion on a small hatch is worth it?

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I was told from some workmates that I should get a gas conversion on my 1996Nissan Pulsar Hatch, so it would be more fuel effiencent, is this true?

I have heard from others that it would not be worth puting a small car on gas, as it would lose that much power, is that true?




  1. It depends on how inexpensively you can do the conversion. Little benefit, but if you can make a very small investment it may pay off in the long run.

  2. >>> on my 1996Nissan Pulsar Hatch

    On a car that old, it is NOT worth doing any major work.  Just keep it and use it sparingly.

    Any kind of conversion will be more expensive then the savings.

    Good Luck...

  3. not worth it as already said the car is old (no offence!!) but gas is harder on an engine, higher temps etc. gas doesn't have the same amount of energy in it, so you need more of it (that doesn't make sense really but you follow my drift?), on a small car the gas will steal the engine power but you will also need a decent sized tank so it is partly useful, this has a lot of weight in it also which will weigh the car down creating more drag, making the engine work harder, using more fuel... its a big circle of things..

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