
I would like to know if a small dog bleeds during labor? I am not sure if my dog is pregnant even?

by  |  earlier

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she is a Lhasa Apso/Chihuahua mix and she could be pregnant, we do also have a male chihuahua but have never been around this and do not know what is going on. she seems okay but really weak acting and bleeding(not profusely) and I am a little scared.




  1. Hi

    The symptoms you describe warrant a call to the Vet.  My Vet would kick my ____ if I weren't on the phone.

    Best of luck to your dog.

  2. Agreed with previous poster, it's clear you know very little about animals so a trip to the vet would be great.

    A little bit of blood from a unspayed female could be her time of the month. Keep her away from any un neutered dogs at this time because this is the time she could get pregnant.

    Please visit a vet and get all your animals neutered.  

  3. Oh my, take the dog to the vet and see if she is pregnant.  You obviously have no idea what's going on with your pets, so maybe a trip to the vet can enlighten you.  You might want to make an appointment while there for both of them to be neutered and spayed.  When in doubt, get it checked out by a vet.

  4. I'd call the vet. A pregnant dog in good health doesn't act weak, the don't bleed either unless in labor.

  5. well is she getting fat?? more importantly is she a girl or guy cause if its a guy i think your all right

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