
I would like to know if im pregnant or not.. ??

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ok my period came down on the 24th of july but it looked very light like pinkish or red like on the 1st day it was really red,brownish and a little heavy and then it stopped and became light.. that has never happened to me the 2 days it always been heavy and the rest it was ok... lately ive been feeling really tired , like fat and bloated. ive been very hungry, oh by the way me and my husband have been trying to have a baby.. we had s*x on the days of my ovulating days and fertile days. then my period came but looked very weird.. im scared what the outcome may be cause i would like a child.. i dont know what do.. take a pregnancy test or blood test.. my back has been hurting and feeling headaches. please i need your help and advice.. thank yes im of age and married..




  1. Go to your gp and ask for a blood test they are more accurate good luck!!

  2. Maybe you should see your doctor and take a test? And if you aren't don't get too sad over it, just try again. And if you are, congratulations. :)

  3. The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a urine test or blood test. Symptoms can be very different in every girl you might have them and might not and sometimes might have them when in reality you are NOT pregnant. THe only way is to take a test. Good luck!

  4. the only sure way to tell is to take a test, good luck  

  5. Take a test at home. If it is negative, wait a week and take another or see your doctor for a blood test.

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