
I would like to know if this decreases my chances of getting pregnant?

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After making love it seems that all sperm just comes out? is this decreasing my chances? even if we do it at night when i wake up in the morning it starts to come out.




  1. Not all the sperm will come out! There's millions of sperms within the fluid and it only takes one.

    Even if it all stayed in you, millions would be killed by your body anyway.

    It's survival of the fittest in this world, and sperm will always run out of you. Mine does way before the morning.

    But one little determined one will make it!

  2. dont worry there are thousands...

  3. No not all will come out. I do know that to increase your chances that after s*x you shouldn't get up as the gravity can make sperm come out. Best to lie on your back with legs up for awhile. Good Luck

  4. Elevate you behind (with a pillow or something like that) before he does his thing, then lay there for 30 minutes.  As long as it stays there for 30 min then everything should be good!

  5. it happens to everyone.its not sperm coming out it the empty s***n which is watery.

    once the s***n containing the sperm gets in the v****a the sperm jump into the cervical mucus and the s***n leaves the body as the mucus/v****a is quite acid and hostile to it.all the swimmer will be doing there job.

    try propping your bum up on a couple of pillows,as this will keep the sperm near to the opening of the cervix

    what goes up must come down eventually

  6. Most of the fluid that comes out is just regular fluid anyway, you'l still have plenty s***n inside you. You can try keeping your legs up with a pillow under your bum for a wee while after to help things along though if it makes you feel better :)

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