
I would like to know if you guys did you geneological research?

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i would like to know if you guys did your geneological research?




  1. no but I would like to

  2. Yep... been doing it for 20 years.  Too fun to quit!

  3. Why do you want to know?  If I did, what purpose does that serve you?  You can't even spell genealogical.

  4. yes.  y?

  5. I did my own research for over 28 years.

    I only joined, last November, to tie up some loose ends and turn it over to my son and his wife.

    Little did I know, it would renew my passion for the "hunt".

    And, researching on ancestry is a lot easier than traveling to the various locations to do the research, which saves me time and money.

    I, especially, enjoy being able to print the Census Records  and other info at home, so I can add them to my collection immediately, without having to pay extra or waiting for them to arrive via "snail mail".

  6. Yes, I went back to the late 1600s on one side of my family (Virginia).  It's very interesting, and I later was contacted about another family member who was lost in WWII in the Pacific as a result, so I got even more information on the family.

    It helps to have an unusual name to work with.  The other names are too common to really research with the info I have.

  7. Yes!  We found out some pretty cool stuff - on my husband's side especially.  He had a great great grandfather that was one of George Washington's bodyguards when he wintered in Morristown, NJ.  His mother's side came to America in the mid-1500's from England and his father side in the mid 1800's, from Scotland (stopping in Ireland for one generation).

    On my side, (I'm 2nd generation Italian), I've only found the name of the boat my mother's parents were on when they came through Ellis Island.  I only know the towns in Italy that my mother's father and my father's mother came from, and that one of my grandpas was a winemaker..

    The rest of the research will have to come directly from Italy, Ireland and Scotland, and will cost us quite a few dollars, and we haven't been able to do that yet.  But, there is talk that some of his ancestors had their own castles, and that quite possibly one of the Scots actually fought with Robert the Bruce!!

    So, while my family were on Italian hillsides, drinking and making wine, my husbands were fighting for our freedoms and for Scotland's freedom!!

    Although we are both proud to be Americans, we are also proud of our heritage, and it's pretty cool for our daughter as well!

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