
I would like to know more about chem trails. I live in Washington Dc and the gvt is spraying on us.?

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I would like to know more about chem trails. I live in Washington Dc and the gvt is spraying on us.?




  1. and punch in chem trails in the search.

  2. i was in washington DC this summer for the 4th of july celebrate. i was out there when they was spraying, i know how concern you are about the chemicals.  what you can do is call the people responsible for spraying and get their schedule. so you can avoid being out in that area when the truck comes by. But i assure you, you will be in more danger if they do not spray. the only thing i remember most about my trip to our nation's capital is the mosquito bits i received in the two week period i was there. i was covered with knots when i returned home to florida.  i was gratiful to escape with my skin intact. even though it was covered in bumps. Thank God the government care a little about your safety.

  3. not to burst your liberal tinfoil hat, but if airplanes were "spraying" "Chemtrails", wouldnt the people responsible be harming themselves as well? We all breath the same air... they are contrails, nothing more, no conspiracy, just contrails.

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