
I would like to know more about investin money, in the bank.?

by Guest66645  |  earlier

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somebody can teach me




  1. Why don't you go to the bank and ask? They know a lot more about their own banks than we do....

  2. Investing money in the bank?   HA dont do it.  Most banks talk about great investing they can offer, but cant back it up.  Your best place to invest now is in the market since we are in a slight recession.  Mutual funds are you best and safest bet.

  3. yes, some one can.  If only u had a specific question that some one could work on. That would help.  But, here goes... I say, be careful with banks. most have low interest rates right now, and depending on how much u have to invest, and how long u won't need that money, there are other options. Such as, CD's (u can go to any bank for more info), or T-Bonds, T-Bills, and other government depoists.  Current rate of inflation is approx 3.85, so you'll want to beat that rate of return over the course of 1 year, otherwise, you'll lose. Most banks currently offer savings acct paying between 0.7- 2.2 percent interest. U can look into ING Direct to beat those rates though.  Good luck.

  4. Banks want to make money on you, and they don't want you to know how you can make money. When you pick up a book about personal finances none of those guys talk about making money at the bank.

    Invest on mutual fund that have average 12%+ over the last 20+years.

    $100/mo at 12% for 20 years is $100,000

    Basic principal last from one generation to the next for a reason. Stick to basics and you'll be fine.

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