
I would like to know the latest news about global warming.

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have got to submit the essay in another 14 hrs. so if u know anything interesting about it , help me pls......




  1. Hi

    The latest news is

    ScienceDaily (July 30, 2008) — A report just released in the most recent issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society offers hope that a new high-resolution storm surge modeling system developed by scientists at Stony Brook University will better be able to predict flood levels and when flooding will occur in the New York metropolitan area, information crucial to emergency managers when planning for impending storms. The report also warns that flooding is dependent not just upon the intensity of the tropical storm, hurricane, or nor'easter, but also on the local phase of the tide at the time of the storm..


  2. In the L.A. Times Science Briefing section today: "Chunk breaks off Arctic ice shelf."

    "Giant sheets of ice totalling almost 8 square miles broke off an ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic last week, and more could follow this year, scientists said Tuesday.

    The ice broke away from the shelf on small Ward Hunt Island, just off giant Ellesmere Island in one of the northernmost parts of Canada.  It was the largest fracture of its kind since the nearby Ayles ice shelf, which measured 25 square miles, broke away in 2005."

  3. Latest news is the Earth is Cooling while CO2 keeps increasing.

    This sort of blows holes in the 'AWG Theory' - and Alarmists are Freaking Out!

    Global Warming Message Morphs as Earth Cools - a few days ago.

  4. "it will cause us to eat each other, it will kill all but 500,000 of us, it will happen in 10--er--30 to 40 years"- ted turner

  5. nothing's changed.  the oil lobby in the white house is still blocking any significant action.

    NAS, NOAA, NSF, NASA, EPA, MIT, UCLA all agree. AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) is a serious problem.

    "May 19, 2008: The National Academies have released the 2008 edition of "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change," a free booklet designed to give the public a comprehensive and easy-to-read analysis of findings and recommendations from our reports on climate change."  <== here's a good description.  <== this is a more lighthearted link.  <== not regulated by the government.

  6. Latest News:  Global Warming called off due to uncooperative Sun.  Apparently, the Sun was really responsible for the warming trend witnessed over the last 200 years!  Now that it's gone inactive, we're witnessing cooler temperatures worldwide.  Who'd a thunk it??  

  7. Humans don't control it.  Natural sources of heat are over 300x the human ones.

    Using the numbers of believers, humans add 1.6 W/m2 to 350 W/m2 going into the atmosphere.  This simply shows that humans don't control the climate.

  8. it's a hoax employed by the global warming n***s who think that humans should be killed and cars should be banned.

    If you want to be controlled by n***s who hate you, then you can choose to listen to their lies.

    I choose free will.

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