
I would like to know weather do cheese has anything to do with cows meat?

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since i am an indian so am quit worried maybe there would be some galatines in the cheese that contain cows meat or anything to do with it. could any one help me to find these out. i would be very greatful.




  1. No, you should be fine.

    Milk is derived from the cow utter, and does not contain any meat or gelatines from the meat.

    if you are still worried, try soy cheese....

    Vegans usually go the soy route.....

    Hope this helps.


    Take Care,


  2. holy cow!.... jk ;)

    i know that cows are considered sacred in indian believes, so i can understand your worries.

    no, cheese has nothing to do with meat... and there's more than one animal that produces it.

    if you're worried about additives that are put in the milk before cheese is produced, well they are nothing more than cultures of microorganisms that speed up fermentation of the milk.

    other than this, if the producer prefers, according to the desired sortiment, salt can be added.  


    so.. you see... it's nothing to worry about! ^^

  3. Rennet, a component of cheese production and therefore cheese, is often made from calf or cow stomach.  Look up rennet on the internet or wikipedia.  So yes, not only is cheese a product of a cow  (made from milk), the rennet is made from cows, often.  

  4. head cheese is from cow,,, which is all the stuff in the head  

  5. Well.. Actually most cheeses have rennet inside, which comes precisely from stomachs of baby cows, goats, sheeps, etc. To obtain rennet, the animal should be still breast-feeded... Very sad..

    Anyway, very frequently mozzarella is obtained with citric acid instead of rennet, and some kind of microbiologic rennet have been developped in last years for vegetarians..

  6. No, cheese is not made w/ gelatin of any sort.

    It *IS* made from cow's milk, but if you can drink that, you can eat cheese.

    (Obviously, some cheese is made w/ sheep, goat, or buffalo milk, but it's labelled that way)

  7. Cheese is a by-product of the milk of animals.  Cows, sheep, goats, and other mammals.  The animals aren't killed to get the milk to make the cheese and none of their meat is used in the cheese.  Only milk.

  8. The milk is not the same as the meat.  

    Milk is produced by the cow to nurture her calf.  I would think it entirely separate from the meat of the cow.

    Meat producing cattle are not the same breed as dairy cattle, that is not to say dairy cattle can not be consumed, they could but it is not a good producer of meat.

    I think you have nothing to worry about if you are going to enjoy some cheese..

    The person that answered and said something about head cheese, that is not a dairy product and it is not anything that you would find in a dairy case.  It is a meat product.

  9. chees is made from the cows milk not the meat

  10. There is no gelatine is cheese (at least real cheese).

    However, I would be worried about the rennet used to make the cheese.  Rennet is an enzyme used to coagulate the milk protiens.  Rennet comes from the intestines of calfs (which are cows).

    However, rennet is also made from a bacterial source (bioengineering).

    As long as you know the rennet is from a vegetarian source, then you should be fine.

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