
I would like to know what is the strangest food You ever tasted?

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I have eaten Testicals from a bull cooked in butter and onions and S&P to taste they are delicious.I had them for breakfast once after My brother did castrating.




  1. snails and rabbit

  2. Roasted Chicken feet and chocolate covered frogs. They were yummy ^_^

  3. Allison in the afternoon. I swear to god she tasted like chinese food. I will never forget her and that afternoon. It was strange because it doesn't usually taste like that and after all I was really just tasting and not really eating ; - )

    I couldn't resist to answer this question with this answer as it's been in me for years...but have never said a word.

  4. I had email last week of what the olympics were offering for fast food.Deep fried locust,crickets,starfish etc.I would be packing granola bars.UGH!

    Alligator I would say and I love it wish I had it more oftenCraw fish sausage.We use it often for gumbo and to fry for dinner....I live by gulf of mexico.

  5. Kanimiso sushi, which is sushi made from the green paste inside a crab's body.  I've also eaten possum and crocodile.

  6. Horse stew in Holland. But once I went to lunch at a friend of a friends house. They were posh and so I felt I had to be on my best behaviour. The table was set with silver and crystal and we began with a lovely entree. Then main meal came and I couldn't believe it. The plate was put in front of me and there lay a whole ox tongue. The thing was it was still in the shape, not cut up or anything and my stomach turned. The others were delighted at it and chowed down. It sliced really easily but it was the ox taste buds on my taste buds that really got me. They were dutch as well.

  7. I think the strangest thing I have eaten are pickled baby octupus eyes. Interesting full of pickle flavour and very salty.  Wouldnt go back for more tho.

  8. almost everything i eat is considered strange.

    but  "mangrove cockle" probably the most delicious ever. never to be found for sale in the USA,is the only edible thing  not for sale in USA

    here is a video "mangrove cockle" pata de mula

  9. witchetty grubs and crocodile on an indigenous food introduction day. interesting but not something i would eat often....... unless starving in the outback.

  10. i had steamed chicken feet with soy and ginger. looks gross but tasted good

  11. Curried Iguana, Stewed Horse, Roasted Rabbit

  12. medium rare alligator in butter sauce with ketchup and mash

  13. Omg, my friend ate kangaroo in Australia!!!

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