
I would like to know what people think about these detention camps that are being built all over the place?

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I want to start by saying that I visit daily and have come across some extremely disturbing reality. I no longer watch typical news stations such as CNN NBC and MSNBC. These news stations simply only report what they want you to know and leave out what they don't.

Anyway, I have been reading a lot about these FEMA camps or otherwise known as detention camps, and would like to know what people think. I personaly am quite afraid of what is comming and would like everyone to please open their mind and at least visit infowars or prisonplanet at least once, so that you may see what is really going on here.

What are your thoughts on these camps?




  1. It's DEFINITELY something to keep an eye on.

  2. Scary Stuff.  It's incredible how quickly Marshall Law can be implemented by the President at the first sign of public disobedience, attack, disease, calamity, or anything else deemed hazardous to America.  The Constitution goes out the window, along with our rights to store food, bear arms, hold religious services, or any other act that might cause "rioting" among the people.  They are allowed to take pre-emptive measures at their whim, and this can include pretty much anything.

    I am afraid as well.  What I count on is for people to do their homework, and remember that our nation is a "Give me Liberty, Or Give Me Death" platform.  I can't see the People standing for this sort of cattle-herding practice, and I am hoping that 300 million Americans can overpower para-military forces if it comes down to it.  I doubt that our nation would simply roll over for "our own benefit" and be locked up for an indefinite period of time just because some armed men say we have to do so.

    I myself would rather die than go to a concentration camp, and I'm not alone on that.  Our nation was built on the idea of freedom, and I pray that nobody forgets this if we are indeed led into mass panic by anything.  We have to maintain our liberties, and count on one another to speak up for our neighbors, friends, and all people in general.

    I hope others read this question and do their own research.  These camps are REAL and are currently empty.  There are over 600 in the US that we know of.  Be sure to search for "Mount Weather" which is FEMA's headquarters and see what they have there.  

    We have to hold on and hope that the next president does not let all of the current executive signings pass on into the dark.  Until then, I have to hope that we will all remain calm and remember how many of us there are.  We can overcome anything if we remember this.

    Thank you for bringing this up.

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