
I would like to know where I can find real footage of Hitler speaking in a debate?

by  |  earlier

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The character of Hitler really interests me, and I've read often that nobody could match him or overcome him in debates.




  1. I couldn't tell you where to find any debates and with that said I would like to add an opinion! I know this won't sound right ,but I admired that guy Hitler? Why? Because how could one (1) person get that many millions of people to do his sinister work for him?  Where all these people scared or just idiots?

  2. Youtube.

  3. The only debate he had was with Eva Braun over their suicide pill: "you go first!" "No, YOU go first!" ......

  4. You have been misinformed, Hitler was an orator of rare power, but his skill was emotional appeal, "rabble rousing" if you will, rather than reasoned argument.  It was widely said of him that he could convince a crowd of thousands far more readily than a room of a half dozen.  Since debate is all about reasoned presentation and support of a position he would have been very poor at it, had ever even tried, but he always preferred to incite mob violence.


    I don't know if there are any debates, but there are a lot of videos of him.

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