
I would like to know where is that famous black limo that Kennedy was shot in?

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I would guess that it's locked up somewhere with the bloodstains still under investigation. But WHERE?




  1. Actually it's a blue color just to clear THAT up but It is being investigated still by forensic scientists and whatnot. After Caroline, the last soul survivor of Camelot has died the TRUTH will be reveled to America and then I'm sure people will stop caring (sadly) and It'll go to the Smithsonian.

    BONUS: if u were wondering about that just some info for u the dress suit Mrs. Kennedy was wearing is at the Smithsonian but is in a box labeled "November 22, 1963" back in storage, not seen by the public.

    i seem to just find these things out. ♥

    the Kennedys ROCK! :P YEA!☺

  2. The limousine that carried the President was searched for evidence after the assassination. It was then cleaned and continued to be used for certain functions. The windshield of the limousine was removed as evidence by the FBI and the Secret Service since it had been hit by the third bullet. The windshield was designated Commission Exhibit (CE) 350 of the Warren Commission and as a Warren Commission Exhibit will remain in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration. The limousine is currently at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.

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