
I would like to know who has tried the Kinoki foot detox pads or any kind of detox pads.Do they really work?

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I would like to know who has tried the Kinoki foot detox pads or any kind of detox pads.Do they really work?




  1. <drink>

    I nominate the daily "detoxing foot bath" questions for no longer being answered, but we just have a drink.  We do this in R&S whenever people ask repetitive questions without bothering to search old answers.

  2. Japanese Detox Foot Pads: Ancient Japanese Secret is A Scam.  Say no more.  Save your money.

  3. No they dont was on 20/20 the other night that it is a scam.

    They had several people use them, and of course, they wake up the next morning, and the pads are black...well they had them tested...and it was nothing toxic that came out of the body.

    They said in the test that there is some kind of mineral or junk that they put in the detox pads, and when we place them on our feet, and of course, this makes our feet sweat a little, and the sweat makes the pads turn black, because when the pad gets moisture on it...the junk comes out of the pad....Fooling us and thinking we are detoxing...

    So, no dont waste your $$.

    Find another way to detox, there are some cool and easy recipes online...of soups or drinks we can make at home...

    Thats the best way..

    Hope this helps..

  4. I wouldn't spend money on those pads. My friend use them and she didn't have any results. I like  to do foot ionic detox bath. I did one today. I feel great.

  5. Such a total scam. But they make so much money that others are copying it, I just saw an ad for others doing the same thing. The manufactures know it is c**p but the money must be rolling in from gullible peoples credit cards.

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