
I would like to know why? a question about drinking alcohol?

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Whyy is it that when a person drinks beer or wine coolers or something like that they do not just open one and drink it and thats it? when i drink something its cause im thirsty and usually one pop or one glass of water does the trick so what is the deal with drinking one beer rite after another? i know people who are not even alcoholics who do this. I just dont get it. I am not a drinker i guess because of this i just cant seem to get past drinking more then one.




  1. I think most ppl drink beer to get a buzz.

  2. Nobody over the age of 20 drinks wine coolers.  They were invented for teenagers to get drunk on so that ugly teenaged boys could have s*x just like their better looking peers and alcohol companies could get rich.

    As for your question, some people do only have one beer and are finished with it.  It sounds like you hang out with a bunch of teenagers.  Teenagers only drink to get drunk.  Adults will often have a beer because it tastes good.  If an adult wants a little buzz, then most of us have to have more than one beer because the alcohol content in beer is low and we tend to weigh more than a hundred pounds.

    My ideal is two Guinness on tap.  Delicious!

  3. I see what you're saying. I drink alcohol but I drink it when I'm thirsty and when I'm socializing at a party. If I want to get buzzed, I will take a shot of something so I don't have to drink as much wine coolers to get the same effect.  Some people can drink one after another, I just can't make myself do it.

  4. Personally, it takes more than one drink for me to feel the effects of alcohol, so I'd say that's why.  And wine coolers!  I could drink 6 of them as opposed to 2-3 beers, for the same effect.

  5. if you can't get past one,  try something.

    have three or four in about a half hour.

    then wait ten minutes after you do that.

    then tell me how you feel.

    you then will have your answer.

    some people just want one drink, a nite cap so to speak, just to help relax, to take the edge off the day.  to forget about the idiot people that they work with, or to help fall asleep.

    then, on the other hand-

    some people just want to get a wicked buzz.

  6. For many it is a form of socializing for a night out.

    Others want to get a buzz, and others want to get plastered.

  7. Because I drink alcoholic drinks to feel the effects of alcohol. I cannot feel any effect from one alcoholic drink, therefore I need several.

  8. At the end of a hard day's work, i usually have one, maybe a couple of beer or stout to wind me down. it's not just a thrist quencher, but it helps to relax & cool me down so that i can sleep soundly.

    If i'm feeling a bit tired or i need extra energy for the next day's work, i'll drink a stout before going to bed.

    Sometimes when i'm not in the mood, i can't even get past one beer, don't matter if i drink alone or with friends.

  9. Well,first it's a social thing, two, beer and wine coolers,they aren't made to quench thirst,especially wine coolers are loaded with sugar,which to make you thirstier and drink more.

    Beer,that's a little different,takes a couple or three to get any buzz,and if you are out eating "beer food" like burgers,wings,hot dogs,you tend to drink more also.

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