
I would like to know why a teenager of the Republican is fair game when Democrats were off limits?

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Clintons told us that Chelsey was off limits (I agree) Gores son pot arrest , we were told it was not part of the process to leave the kid alone. The Bush twins all over the papers. Palin's daughter ; the focus of the election. Just more double standard.




  1. Because liberals believe the rules only are supposed to be biased for them.

    LANETTE: WHAT OBAMA SAYS AND WHAT HE BELIEVES OR STANDS FOR ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS! The man is a psychopathic liar, sort of like Casey Anthony.

  2. since when were Democrats off limits? lol you guys are hilarious!!!!!LOLOL

    VOTE OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Its not her you genius its her hipocrite mother who is on trial

  4. Oh you forgot Biden's son.

    The reason: The left controls the Lame Stream media.  

  5. Roger that =)  

  6. Bristol seems to have gotten off pretty easy here, Chelsea Clinton was ridiculed all the time

  7. I would like to know when that was.The Hillary(Biliary) rants are still posting Chelsea still has not a single day where she doesn't hear it! What about that?Yes,people are angry and they have a right to be.I agree with off limits for the children they aren't running for office.But you selectively go after just one or two and let the rest go even that is wrong,so if you want it to stop you go first,since we (democrats) didn't start it.

  8. Where the h**l have you been?  Haven't you seen the attacks on all these candidate?  Even though they were told to be off limits, they were attacked, the same thing has happened now.  YOU DONT HOLD A DOUBLE STANDARD...

    Sites were calling for the deaths of Obama's girls, calling them bad names, ridiculing them, I didnt see any of you stand up for them.

    Obama had the guts, unlike McCain to say, NO and stop the attacks on her, people may not listen but you cant blame him.

  9. We are not picking on Palin's daughter and she should not be harassed but Palin is a super conservative women that goes around preaching abstinence. She should have spent more time on her daughter. Its you conservatives that are always pointing the fingers at peoples past mistakes and acting like you are the only choice of god, then we catch you in homosexual positons in public bathrooms. HAHAHAHAHAHAAH

  10. Wait a minute. How do you know about Gore's son's legal problems? The media! You say that "we were told it is not a part of the process" --That is the same as we were told about Bush's and Palin's daughters.

    There is no double standard. Every time, both parties, the message is leave them alone. Every time, both parties, the media ALWAYS chooses sensational stories, including those involving the children of our political leaders.  

  11. First, no one from any the Obama campaign or the DNC has ever attacked the Bush twins, or Bristol Palin. The media (Fox News included) reported the Republican progeny faults just as much as Al Gore's son and Howard Dean's son (he stole liquor from a country club on the eve of his father's campaign kickoff). As far as Chelsea's embarrassing event not being reported, I just do not know of one though it may have simply have been overshadowed by her father's embarrassing news in 1998.

    Secondly, the Republicans have been long standing defenders of abstinence only s*x education, family values, and proponents of the war on drugs places the effect of these policies on their families into the public eye. If the Eliot Spitzer hadn't prosecuted prostitution rings he probably could have remained in office (like Republican Louisiana US Senator David Vitter) but the Republican homophobic elected officials are far more damaged by being outed as g*y than  Democratic and openly-g*y Rep. Barney Frank when his long time boyfriend basically sold himself as a g*y prostitute out of Rep. Frank's DC townhouse in the earlier 1990s. Hypocrisy is the bigger problem not the perceived partisan bias.

  12. Yeah , she the focus alright everyone keeps yammering about how she is pregnant out of wedlock and she's only 17. That is what the center of focus is. Teenagers get pregnant out of wedlock everyday what makes this one any different?

    PS Hockey Fan has some great points. I would be a bit worried about a guy that is friends with a terrorist and wants to run our country and someone who has a pastor that is racist. Sounds like some pretty huge red flags to me

  13. Obama said that Palin's daughter IS off limits...  

  14.      We are angry, It is more or less our way of getting back at the Muslim rumors that so many voters believe. If you ask an independent voter which party has attacked more in the past they would say the Republicans. We are only willing to take so much, especially of people saying that Liberalism is the same as communism. At some point all humans will pop. We are angry. And it is too late to stop us now. I think I was the first person on Y!A to ask a question about Palin's daughter being pregnant. Even I can't stop it now. I've created a monster, but then again, I don't see many republicans saying sorry about the Muslim rumors. Believe it or not I don't like being a smear machine, I normally fight with facts and try to make intelligent answers. But in a battle like this one, you end up using every trick you have.

  15. That's funny, I seem to remember all of those being front page news for at least a week. It doesn't matter which party you favor, the opposing party will always try to expose whatever dirt they can, and it's never one-sided, it's always both sides trying to d**n the other, that's what an election is nowadays...

  16. Which Dem. Child had such scandals as

    Being caught drinking with Fake ID's,

    or 17 unwed pregnant teen

  17. Obama "said" the right thing relative to this matter. What his political machine does behind the scene will be another matter.

  18. Candidate's children should be off-limits.

    But, since the cat is out of the bag, do you want us all to ignore that a 'family values' candidate has a pregnant, underage daughter?

    Didn't think so.

    By the way, the 'Liberal Media' is owned and controlled entirely by rich, conservative, white guys.

  19. Don't see how it is a double standard.  

    Everyone got equal news attention.

    You are just pissed because McCain made a bad choice.

    And I am tired of hearing about a "Liberal Media"

    Just another lie from the GOP.

    There is nothing liberal about the media.  I find them overtly conservative.  Especially with the media darling, McCain.

  20. I know thats whats getting on my nerves we were nice enough to respect their kids but than they do this....

  21. If she can't manage her family, how can she manage the country?

    Where are the "family values" the Reps tout?

    So, it has to do with her, not her kid.


  22. Palin's daughter is off limits.

    But Palin's decisions with respect to her daughter, and other people's daughters is not.

    If Palin is allowed to substitute creationism for s*x education and the result is an increase in teen pregnancies, that is important.  But, it really is not about her daughter - it is about your and my children.

  23. Because the teenager is the daughter of a conservative.

    Liberal media is allowed to pounce without remorse on such.  As the world can see.

  24. The media is more liberally slanted.  The one that bugs me more than this one is how much Bush was attacked for being in the National Guard during the Vietnam War, while Clinton was pretty much excused for being a draft dodger.

    Remember the other one about Quayle not knowing how to spell potato?  But what about all the just plain dumb Democrats in Florida who didn't know how to cast a vote (Bush vs. Gore)?  

  25. That's the party and the media. They can't stand to see Republicans get any praise so they dig dig dig for anything they can find and sling the mud. Obama can be friends with a terrorist, have a racist pastor, but this teenager is making more news? It really shows how twisted this country is.

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