
I would like to learn how to do flips and become better at it, where should i start?

by Guest63296  |  earlier

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  1. start with easy stuff like rolls and progress onto breakfalling, this will bring your confidence on (incase anything goes wrong you can fall somewhat safely) then onto flips. These are martial arts flips so you would need a good instructor who can do them himself. Take care

  2. join a gymnastics gym for good acrobatic training.

  3. Doing flips really start by having a good lower balanced center of gravity and having strong legs.  Start doing alot of low center of gravity exercise (squats works wel), and start doing alot of stretching.

    After that, if you could find yourself a training facility with bungee ropes and such, you can start getting your body use to doing flips by actually doing some.  If you don't have access to one, you can buy some mats and you can use your backyard.

    After that, it is just a matter of perfecting it and keep on practicing.  Good luck and have fun.

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