
I would like to live in the uk and would also like to apply for a council house how would i do it.?

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I would like to live in the uk and would also like to apply for a council house how would i do it.?




  1. you got the nerves to ask this in here

    no wonder everyone is so appauled in the UK with immigration

  2. Due to the Right to Buy, there is a desperate shortage of council housing which is desperately needed by people living in england.

    It would depend where you want to live as to whether you could get a council house - if you're looking for anywhere vaguely nice or in the south, you don't stand a chance. Your only option would be to take a place where nobody else wants to live (these places are few and far between and generally only in the north).

    When you decide where in the country you want to live, you will not be eligible for any kind of priority, as the Local Authority will not award priority to someone without a 'local connection' (i.e. if someone from London applies for priority in Sheffield, they have no local connection and would be told to apply in London).

    Many people are misguided into thinking that immigration is the sole cause of our housing crisis, when in fact, many legal migrants such as EU nationals are living in the properties that nobody will live in, or living in very cramped and poor conditions in properties owned by private landlords. They are also doing the jobs that our unemployed won't do!

    Our housing crisis is due to numerous factors, the main ones being that we are all living longer and not buiding enough houses, and the property price boom led to more and more houses being bought.

  3. Just come as an illegal immigrant or a homeless eastern european,the buggers will give you everything you ask for, to h**l with the British people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Ensure you are an Illegal Immagrant, claim refugee status as soon as you reach the country, along with any family you have and you jump ahead of any Native of this land and get into a house virtually at once, also your claim will entitle you to so much free services and handouts you will wonder why any of us work to support all the immagrants entering this country.

    You can then go and get a black job (illegal job) and never have to pay tax.

    Like most British people, we just have to wait almost 6 - 10 years dependant  on the Council to try and get a house or flat.

    And then be told sorry your back down the que because some group of spongers from somewhere have to be housed first!!!!

  5. Don't bother. All the council houses have been bought.  There is also an increasing resentment in this country against people coming here purely to take advantage of our benefit system.  An example of this is the increasing popularity of nationalist political movements, e.g. the National Front. If you want honest advice, STAY AWAY!!

  6. Write in and apply.There is a waiting list. You will probably get allowed into the country much sooner than a council house becomes available.For a house expect to wait for 20 to 25 years.

  7. You can't, theres already a waiting list of like 10 years.

    Well said Bigbird !!!!

  8. where do you come from?..i think there are enough foreigners sponging already!,stay where you are sweety!

  9. well first of all to get a council house you will need to have a child or need to be looking after someone then you would get council place real quick but if you just simply want a council place to live in by you're own you will probably get refused but to give this a shot and try you need phone the council in the uk and see weather they will put you on the list or not

  10. I know....why don't you go on the dole as well?  And then maybe you could start selling drugs to supplement your income.  

    We just LOVE it when people come into our country and we have to pay for you.  

    In fact, why don't you bring you're whole family?  Then you could get, i don't know...maybe 10-12 council houses.  You could sell 8-9 of them and then f*ck off back to your own country where you'll be rich.

    Get to f*ck and stay where you are you mooching freeloading piece of shite.

  11. Excuse me?  Why would you expect a council house when you were not born here or paid taxes here?  If you want to come here I suggest you budget to rent privately - the waiting lists forcouncil accommodation are long enough already.

  12. Where are you at the moment? I was born in England and I can't find a job or get a house from my local council because my mother has a 3 bedroom house.  So my husband and I have to live with my family. I have been told there is little or no chance of getting a house or flat. You would be much better off renting privately.

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