
I would like to make my room more sophisticated. What colour combinations would you recommend?

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Okay sorry if this is too long but i would be really appreciative if you could answer. = )

My room is currently Pink walls, purple carpet and pink and purple curtains and I HATE IT!! =(

I really want to make my room more sophisticated and a lot less girly girly.

I can't change the carpet because its new and my favourite colours are red, orange, black and white.

I was thinking of black and white curtains, bedding and lampshade, but i don't know what colours would look nice with them.

I would love red walls but my wardrobe is red and i cant change it.

Please help.

My mum thinks i should paint one wall red but I'm not sure, what colour should i paint the other walls?

I don't have a very big budget and i want to make it really nice so i feel at home in it.




  1. try green or a red.

    ikea ideas:

  2. Yellow and Purple are opposite on the color-wheel.  I would go for a mature warm yellow.  Not a pastel- light yellow.

    You walls would look great with three yellow walls, and the wall that your bed sits against could be a very regal purple.

    When you purchase new curtains, try to find simple straight lines.  Maybe a bamboo shade with a long valance in purple, if the wall is yellow...  or yellow if the wall is purple.  It will make the wall "pop"

    Have fun, whatever you choose.

  3. Light pastel colors are the best of. Light green = relaxing,

    light "butter" = clearing,  BUT red and pink = nervous etc.

    see some color psychology book about it

  4. purple won't work. Red, gold, and black! Sophisticated.

  5. As an interior designer, this type of question is one of my favorite. AS you already have a purple rug (hope that it leans towards a lavender shade), you could use creams and light grays with hints of a muted orange. Dark wood accent pieces would be great with lavender, especially black lacquered items, but go easy on it. You want the room to seem light and airy but with a sophistication leaning towards a feminine side. Paint walls in a cream color or super light gray and upholster in creams and whites (duvet bedding especially). Add a deep orange throw blanket and a silver lamp. A vase if lavendar or orange will also tie things together. Framed photos with photo mats in grays would look great. Good luck!

  6. Three walls painted cream, and the wall opposite the wardrobe a dark plum colour. Use matt or silk paint.

  7. white for the molding

    a nice crimson red for the walls

    and yes,black everything else

  8. You should do like, a brown and green combination, like 2 walls brown, 2 walls green. That could look good!

  9. don't do red walls, you already have purple carpet and adding a lot of red and orange would be too bright and crazy, add some neutrals like black, white, gray, or tan with the purple and maybe find one other color to bring in as an accent that would go well with purple, maybe like a sage green or something

  10. Maybe some jungle greens and tan. And a few hints of red decor

  11. I think painting one wall red would be too bright with the purple carpet.  I would stick to white or beige.  That way you can change your rooms style as you grow older.  

  12. Those are classic colours you know---I once decorated my whole flat in that theme but what makes the difference is how you light it ,what you put on display,ie a couple of class framed prints and if you want to personalise it then paint  something yourself and frame it(abstracts in solid block colour work)---by that I mean  buy a cheap frame and paint  some card in a single colour or  with a circle on it in contrasting colour and just hang it.look round charity shops for material and drape lengths  down your walls,or try and remove the room corners by draping  lengths to hide them.Spend time on lights and coloured bulbs...try and be different to your friends,just look around at everything but ,try and keep it harmonious and relaxing----you got to live in it----just staple material to the walls, its easy to change whenever you get fed up---I really hope  any of this  will help....just be inspired and  best of all TRY. Love and light to you .

    If its sugar pink then you need to tone it down---try and  check out the pinks and blues and purples they use in lighting  at many theatres,its a classic combination of colours....bye again

  13. Obviously u have purple carpet...try red w/black or red w/ white to go with the carpet

  14. You could make it simply with a lamainate floor it can be cheap and try and use some more white in your room with some pillows with deisigns and keep to basic colours you could also paint your main wall a diffrent colour but stick to at least 3 colours in your room or it'll cash

  15. I put some ideas below of what I am talking about so you yourself may see too . I believe if your rug is purple and can't be change then there is only one thing to do . Work with it , and here is the colors that can be used in your redesign of your room . Purple , black ,white  with a touch of red  . I have two design ideas for you and you can choice for your self the one you like .   # 1) Black furniture and white walls  with your red wardrobe to the side . Use black curtains and black bedspread with red,purple pillows .  # 2 )  White furniture with black and one purple wall put the red wardrobe closet by the purple wall . Once again use a black bedspread with red, purple and white  even orange pillows  . Then to top the look off so its not to dark in the room use a white canopy above your bed . With the furniture so you can save some money pick up odds and ends and just paint the peices white or black . In  the end I hope you enjoy your room .

  16. rich mahogany  

  17. i dont have an answer for you but go to a benjiman moore store or any local paint store and when you go bring pics so they can help ..

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