
I would like to move to Dubai?

by  |  earlier

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How can i go about this, i am an Estate agent in London, What job could i fill in Dubai and how would one go about emergrating. My parents are indian and i was born in the UK




  1. Please visit the link giving below:

    Click on "Real Estate", then on the mentioned Agencies and you will be provided with the current job offers.

    Have a cv (professional) at hand and send it off as soon as possible. (incl. a picture of you). If you hopefully will get shortlisted, you will be contacted by email or phone.

    If hired the company will provide you with the "right" visa. (Employment or mission visa).

    Please be patient right now. It's vacation time followed by the holy month of Ramadan. Every thing slows down a bit during this time.

    By hopefully getting so far to negotiate a salary package, please be aware that your basic salary should cover your costs (rent is skyrocking), no matter how high the promised commission will be. Only your basic salary will be stated in your Labour contract at the Ministry of Labour and your end of service benefits will be calculated only on this salary. Do some maths before saying "yes", especially in this field.

    Good luck!

  2. Whatever you do don't have s*x on the beach!

  3. you're best bet is to go into real estate since you already have experience in that industry. its low season now but when peak season starts, real estate is very very lucrative here.

  4. You may well be able to continue in the same line of work as you are in now, as the property market in Dubai is booming.

    You would need to apply from here, I would imagine, but whatever company employs you will provide you with a valid working visa. Try if possible to get accommodation thrown in with your contract (not unusual), as rentin property is extremely expensive in Dubai.

  5. don't bother , way too hot at this time of year

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