
I would like to relocate with my 3 girls. I'm from South Africa

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I want to go to London but its a bit tough so i would like to know if any one has suggestions for me please.




  1. We moved to New Zealand 9 years ago and really love living here.

    It is not easy to emigrate and the first year is really hard but from then it is really great. We certainly have no intention to ever move back to SA.

    It is great living in a clean, safe first world country.  

  2. If you have a degree, you can apply for a "highly skilled working visa", otherwise you will have problems getting into the UK.  As stated, Australia is easier to get into.

  3. I have no answer for you but good luck!

  4. If you don't have a GB passport or a claim to GB citizenship, or a work contract in the UK, it is tough. Have a look around the government website about immigration ... maybe there's some route that you can use there:

    Hubby and I moved from SA to Canada in 94 ... took about 18 months but eventually got here. I believe it takes longer now.

    I hope you and your girls find a way to get there!

    Good luck!

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