
I would like to sell a kidney for 70 000 pounds so that i could send my kids to a school in the UK?

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i am worried about the future of my kids in South Africa as things are going backwards fast and i fear that we may be a statistic fast.Our currecy is 15.1 rand to the pound.

I would like to immigrate to the UK but i am 37 with life experiance in the construction industry.




  1. We've already got enough ******* immigrants over here

    stay in your own country and die.

  2. i do believe that could be considered illegal. dont think anyone would carry it out for you. sorry.

  3. Unfortuantely the UK does not permitt the trade in human organs, try China

  4. 'That is very noble of you and highly sacrificial for your children.  

    Certainly, you are a very responsible parent. However, I do not think that the path you want to follow is the right one for you and your children. Life in the UK is not that easy, comfy or cheaper, either. In fact you might find yourself in a much deeper troubled water there than in South Africa and end up dismally failing to support and sustain the very children of yours whom you passionately want to raise and help in the first place.

    Secondly, 70,000 pounds in the UK and with a new life  to start and build and with a family of children to support is very little. I used to pay around 28,000 pounds a year for my son in a private school, and that was 1995. New jobs in the UK are scare, wages are highly meagre - new settlers are ready and willing to work for pennies-, taxation is very high and Cost of living is very prohibitive for many people.  Hoards of the Brits are emigrating to greener pastures. I am one of them.

    With your knowledge, experience and readiness to work hard, you'd be in a better position to achieve your goals by trying to secure a job in a country where the construction is literally booming. The Gulf states would be one of those areas  to contemplate about and Dubai or Abu Dhabi would probably be the best ground to look for.  Good private education is available and is reasonably affordable. Go there, first, alone for a while and test the water. If bearable and swimmable, settle down and THEN bring over your children, later.

    All the best!/

  5. £70,000 is not enough to put a kid through boarding school in the UK.

  6. UK is in recession, I think you'd have to sell 2 kidneys

  7. It is illegal to do this by UK law I'm afraid. Plus you never know when you might need that kidney.

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