
I would like to send my husband a light email saying how lovely he is. A famous poem or saying would be nice?

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Any ideas? I'm no good at writing it myself so i'll just use someone




  1. Try this one:

    "Nothing Makes a Good Wife Like a Good Husband - so you'd Better Treat Me Right and get your Hand in your Pocket!"

  2. Try something brief.

    e.g.   "Captured.  Still enraptured"


  4. if you guys have a song together you kno send the song to him or tell him your listing to that song. and say i remember when....-you completed my life. i just wanted to say i love you and thank you for being her and for all what you have done. i wrote poems myself. love ones and you can message me for any questions i am willing to help.  

  5. Make it fun and a little game...... Cheer him up a bit or something..... Example.......... Let him figure this one out......... I Y L M L I L Y N K C C O L I...... Will keep him guessing and if he gives up, tell him the answer which is   ( IF YOU LOVE ME LIKE I LOVE YOU NO KNIFE CAN CUT OUR LOVE INTO )  then he owes you a romantic night alone, if he gets it, you owe him one, either way, there is a night of romance in the works.........  

  6. Shakespeare always works. Sonnets.

    I like John Donne but he's rather cerebral.

    Edna St Vincent Millay - great stuff.

    In Japanese literature there are lost of clever short poems that evoke love and longing.

    Please, please don't send him greeting card doggerel or schmaltzy poems from some teenage girl's website. This are the literary equivalent of cheap dollar store chocolate - all sugar and guar gum. You want to be sending him Belgian truffles!

  7. My suggestion would be to just tell him what's in your heart. If you still need a little extra help, go on one of the many e-card sites. They've got lots of great cards. On some sites you can build your own card, with music, "postage" stamp, and other cool things. Then e-mail it to him. What I've done was a cut & paste thing with the mouse, then sent it to my printer. Since I only have a black & white printer, I got out my colored pencils and colored it in. It included the verse too, which was really wonderful. Here are some card sites to get you started:

    This should be more than enough to give you all the inspiration you'll need. Some of the above sites may no longer use these names, so keep trying until you find what you like. I got these from a booklet of e-mail addresses I've put together over the years, and haven't checked all of them to make sure they're still there. Anyway, hope you find something that gives you the inspiration you need. <*)))><

  8. Send him the lyrics to a song - maybe By Your Side by Sade or Still the One by Shania Twain

  9. What a lovely thought. I like this one :-)

    You are the dream I dream

    You are the sun I seek

    You are my shade

    You are the rest I sleep

    You are the peace I yearn for

    You are my hope, my love.

  10. I saw this in a card once, and I loved it!  It could work with your husband!

    Ten reaons why I love you!

    I love your gentle smile,

    I love your tender touch,

    and I love your kisses

    so very, very much

    I lvoe the way you flirt with me

    and the way you

    laugh and tease,

    I love the way

    you always find

    the nicest ways to please.

    I love the way you cheer me up

    when you find me with a frown

    and always raise my spirits

    when life has got me down.

    I love that when I'm with you

    there's nowhere else I'f rather be

    but most of all I love you

    for the way that you love me!

    Hope this helps!!

    Good luck

  11. What a lovely idea! I had a look in one of my poetry books but, very unfortunately, most love poems are written for women and not for men. Such a shame. Here is one by Thomas Moore which you could use.

    ''My heart and lute''.

    I give thee all - I can no more -

    Though  poor the off'ring be;

    My heart and lute are all the store

    That I can bring to thee.

    A lute whose gentle song reveals

    The soul of love so well;

    And, better far, a heart that feels

    Much more than lute could tell.

    Though love and song may fail, alas!

    To keep life's clouds away,

    At least 'twill make them lighter pass

    Or gild them if they stay.

    And ev'n if care, at moments, flings

    A discord o'er life's happy strain,

    Let love but gently touch the strings,

    'Twill all be sweet again!


    There is a really beautiful poem, my favourite love poem,  It's by Micheal O'Siadhail, 1947. A poem like this one should be written for men IMO.

    ''While you are talking''.

    While you are talking, though I seem all ears,

    forgive me if you notice a stray see-through

    look; on tiptoe behind the eyes' frontiers

    I am spying, wondering at this mobile you.

    Sometimes nurturer, praise-giver to the male,

    caresser of failures, mother earth, breakwater

    to my vessel, suddenly you'll appear frail-

    in my arms I'll cradle you like a daughter.

    Now soul pilot and I confess redemptress,

    turner of new leaves, reshaper of a history;

    then the spirit turns flesh - playful temptress

    I untie again ribbons of your mystery.

    You shift and travel as only a lover can;

    one woman and all things to this one man''.

  12. How do I begin to tell you how lucky I am

    to have you in my life?

    I'll start by saying what an honor it is

    for me to be your wife.

    You're my best friend in the good times

    and my rock in times of sorrow.

    You're the reason for sweet yesterdays

    and my promise for tomorrow.

    I never thought I could feel this loved

    until I became your wife.

    You made this year and every year

    the best one of my life  


    Loving you is a like a song I replay

    Every three minutes and thirty seconds of every day

    And every chorus was written for us to recite

    Every beautiful melody of devotion every night

    It's potion like this ocean that might carry me

    In a wave of emotion that you asked to marry me

    And every word, every second, and every third

    Expresses the happiness more clearly than ever heard

    And when I play them, every chord is a poem

    Telling the Lord how grateful I am cause I know him

    The harmonies possess a sensation similar to your caress

    If you asking then I'm telling you it's yes

    Stand in love, take my hand in love, God bless

    Lauryn Hill

  13. Try this

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