
I would like to shorten the tendons in the back of my calves over a few months, what shoes should I wear?

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I would like to shorten the tendons in the back of my calves over a few months, what shoes should I wear?




  1. wouldnt you need surgery for that it doesnt sound very safe

  2. You can't shorten the tendons without surgery.  And if you did, it would be excruciatingly painful to walk.  What is the purpose of this?  Maybe what you mean is to shorten your calf muscles to look more defined in your lower legs?  Take a 4x4 post (or anything with and edge on it) and stand on it with your toes and the ball of your foot.  Raise and lower your heels as often as you can.   Flip flops also work well.  :)

  3. You have to wear high heels full time then, the higher the heels, that you wear are, the more will your tendons shorten. So you will have the best effect if you get used to wear 5" or 5,5" heels all the time and if you get a pair of "bed high heel" ankle boots which fix your feet in this position over night.

    Why do you want to shorten your tendons?

  4. I don't think you can even do that . . . && if you can it sounds terribly unhealthy.


  5. y r u asking me

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