
I would like to speak to someone from France to improve my french. Any offers? :]?

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I am nearly 15, taking GCSE french. I plan on taking it for A-Level, then at University, and eventually I want to move to Paris.

I would really like to improve my French, and also knowledge of french culture :).

Please reply if you could help me at all.

Thank you,

Molly :]




  1. Discuss this with your parents and French teacher

    (pardonnez-moi . . . votre Professeur Française), ;)

    who should be able to help find French-speaking groups in your area

    (we might have been able to give you lists

    of relevant clubs and activities,

    but you didn't say where you lived).

    Bon chance!  (Good luck!)

  2. so tell me what do you want to talk about

  3. I'm french and i can help you (if you help because i want to improve my english ^^) I'm 16

    My msn is

  4. Go on the Alliance Francaise site and see if there is a chapter in your area.  If so, then join it and attend some social events.

    Also, if you have an ipod there is a great podcast called "daily french ipod".  

    Hope this helps.  Bon chance!

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