
I would like to spend the rest of my working years in a paying position to help save our planet. Global?

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Warming comes to mind. Everywhere I turn, these organizations only want volunteers and money, not employees. I can relocate anywhere I am needed. Advice?




  1. I'm 51 and there's not much room for us old guys anymore . Tell you you what i invested a little money in this product called nanodetonators . A complete clean new energy source and showing allot of promise so far .If it works out i think within a year they will be on the market . If it does h**l ill give you a job .I think that's all I'm going to hire anyway is older people .Seems like America forgot about us .Talk about age discrimination its alive and doing well in the states.

    And im with you who the h**l wants to go back to school just to die there at our age

  2. I would sugest education. I am working on becoming a park ranger in nc. I want to be able to teachg kids and even adults about the particular environment in that area.  I believe all states have a state park system and also local government. By teaching about the resource people begin to understand, and will then learn to care. Most people are uneducated and just don't understand what they are doing, by teaching them they may want to make a difference too. Good for you to want to make a difference.

  3. Here are a few links for you to look at.

    Without knowing more about you and your specific skill set, it is hard for me to make a more concise recommendation.

    Another consideration is the amount of money you are willing to take in a position.  

    If nothing else, the websites will give you something to look at and get a start at.  Many of the jobs listed require a scientific background, though certainly not all.  You management background is a very useful, something that can be used in many settings.  

    Good luck.

  4. God Bless you YouthPastor, I am sure the right door

    will be opened for you, I found a few....

    Job openings as of date on bottom of title:

    Community Programs Director

    Wildlands Restoration Volunteers Boulder, Colorado

    October 12, 2007

    Salary: $32,000 - $38,000 commensurate with experience,

    plus competitive benefits package. This is a full-time

    professional position, but part-time arrangements (more

    than 30 hours per week) may be considered.

    Closing Date November 5, 2007  Applications received

    before November 5 may receive an early interview.

    2) Grassroots and Electronic Campaigns Coordinator

    Natural Resources Council of Maine

    Augusta, Maine (ME)

  5. Follow the money!!!!!

  6. That seems a tricky one, untill recently there were two ways to work for the benefit of the environment. The first was to work from the outside of the mainstream, forging new directions and pushing boundaries. The second is working from the inside, with a regular job in a regular organisation, making and pushing for changes, investing in effecient machinery or vehicles, cleaning up supply lines, generally cleaning up existing companys. This is equally if not more important, we can't start from scratch, at least you don't sound like an anarchist!

    The science is done and dusted, time to act on it.

    Good luck.

  7. Do you have the education and the skills  that will be helpful in the field?

    This is a field that requires a substantial scientific background.

    One of the biggest problems that we have in the Environmental field is that many of the people who want to participate in the field  lack the scientific training that they need to understand the professional scientific literature on the subject.

    At the very least you should have an undergraduate degree in Chemistry or Physics or you will not even be able to understand the professional scientific material.

    If you do not have a degree in either Chemistry or Physics, your first step is to enroll in a good College or University and complete a major with a 4 year degree in Chemistry or Physics.

    Once you have done that you will find opportunities where you can be paid for your work.

  8. There are government Environmental Health positions that may work out for you,  Depending upon the state you live in you may be able to get hired without having to go back to college. In many of the western states you need a total of 30 science credits in order to take a State licensing test for a job as a Registered Sanitarian or Environmental Health Specialist. The job may entail regulating clean water, septic systems, inspecting swimming pools, restaurants, public events, and public accommodations.  There isn't much work with wind or solar energy yet, but I expect more regulation and policy will be included in the job soon. You can also start as an Environmental Health Technition and work 5 years and be able to take the test without having the college credits. I work in this field and the last 4 people that we hired were all over 50. This is a field that attracts people looking for a career change.

  9. Just call up Al Gore.  He knows many ways to cash in on the environment.  I guess he feels guilty for his family's oil business back in the day and now has seen dollar signs in "Carbon Credits".  What a "Nobel" cause.

  10. You're the same age as me, youthpastor55, and I too am looking for another challenge. My suggestion would be to check the national organization for whatever church with which you are affiliated. In my case, that would be the ELCA out of Chicago, IL. You may not be able to save the planet, but with the good Lord's help, you may be able to save a child or a village. Some may scoff, but you could also try the UN, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, or even an oil company.

  11. Invest in wind or solar, you could also farm for bio-fuels.

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