
I would like to start acting but i did not make it in to any of my drama classes! what can i do to start?

by Guest59578  |  earlier

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i am in the age group of 11 to 13 age range if this helps!




  1. If you mean that you could not fit drama class into your schedule, that happens frequently. My daughter could not take chorus because it was offered at the same time as one of her required classses.

    If, on the other hand, acceptance into the drama classes was dependent upon an audition, that's a different kind of disappiontment, but don't let that deter you. If you have desire, commitment, and you are willing to work hard, there are other options.

    How about community theatre? If you town (or a city near you) has a community theater, contact them and ask whether or not they need young actors? Even if the current production does not, they will surely have roles for actors your age in the future.

    Sometimes church groups stage plays around Christmas, Chanukah, Easter, etc. These productions often call for children. Let's say you only get offered a "walk-on" with no lines. That's still a great way for you to get involved with theater and acting. You'd be off to a good start.

    Talk to your parents and enlist their support. You will probably have to demonstrate to them that you are serious, but things will be much easier with one or both of them on your side.

    I hope my suggestions help.

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