
I would like to start my own small bussiness website but dont know where to start can you help?

by  |  earlier

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i would also like to know if i can make money by offering a free service. for example by allowing advertisements on my website. if so how much?




  1. You will make very little money from getting advertisers on your site untill you have a huge site that thousands of people look at.  You can pay a company to make you a website (couple of hundred pounds at least) or you can sort one out for yourself.  This is very difficult and recoomend starting with an Ebay shop.  They do everything for you and allow you to start making money quiickly.  

    Ignore the sites that sell you a domain name and resoures to build a website got £30 or so.  They are rip of and dont really work.

  2. You can start as a PC game distributor. It is a home based job on-line with real company is Missouri. You get a game website and  sell video games.

    Unfortunately you may not place any adds on those sites.But you can earn commissions and bonus.

    If you need more details visit site below.

    You can download games demo mode free too.

  3. If you don't even know where to start,then don't.You are wasting your time.

    Your question is the same as if you are asking"I want to be a millionaire, but don't know where to start"

    And if you don't even know how to spell Business, then how the h**l do you expect to be able to run one????

  4. Well first go to a site like geocites frewwebs or somthing like that (cuase its free and get some practice so then when you create a site thats real money then you know alot about that stuff thats what i did hope that hellps by the way i got a site its

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