
I would like to study abroad in germany.?

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I do not want to be an exchange student. I want to register as a full time student. I may do that, the only real requirement is that I must be able to fluently speak German. I am taking German in school, but I am nearing the end of my junior year in high school and I'm not sure I will be able to speak it fluently enough by the end of my senior year. If anyone knows how I can Improve my German, please help!! NOTE: I am NOT majoring in German




  1. Watch as many German films as possible, read as much German literature as you can and try and translate it into English, other than that I would advice for you to speak as much German as you can with German natives they might be able to correct you if you make a mistake.

  2. Even with the best will in the world it's unlikely that you'd be able to become fluent enough without being immersed in the language. What I'd suggest is that you spent a chunk of time in Germany before beginning university there. Most German universities run intensive summer courses, which would both accelerate your progress and give you a flavour of living and studying in Germany. Check out the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) website for more information - they offer scholarships of around 700 Euros towards such courses. If you do go on to register full time at a uni there, many also put on German immersion courses for foreign students during the first few weeks of the semester.

    You could also see if you could get a German E-Mail penpal, or do a bit of research and see if your area has a German society. Even if you can't get hold of any native-speakers, talking to your classmates in German will still help - try scheduling an evening or lunchtime a week when everyone has to speak German.

    Finally, if you can pick up a German TV or radio station (through the internet, maybe?) they can be great resources. Don't watch or listen passively though - have a dictionary to hand so you can look up words you don't understand.

    Good luck!

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