
I would like to try to go vegetarian, but i need my protein...?

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Can someone just help me get started? I am a fighter, I need to keep my lean muscle and i need to have some energy...

what should i be eating?




  1. beans + grains = complete protien

    grains + seeds or nuts = complete protien

    seeds or nuts and beans = complete protien

    mix and match

    to start with

    rice and pinto beans

    then form there you will need to add 2 meals per week and work on finding other options as you progress to make a complete protien.

    mixing tofu

    soy beans



    sunflower seeds

    flax seeds

    sessame seeds in many ways even

    tahani (sesame seed butter)

  2. By being vegetarian, there are still plenty of wats to get enought protein.

    Granis, legumes, beans and other foods in that group are excellent sources of protein. Mock meats contain soy, which has alot of protein, as well as soy milk and other products. There are also some vegetables that contain protein .

    You can find more info on this sites:

  3. there are tons of other things that have protein in them. depends on what kind of veg you are going to be there is fish and eggs for one but if you are not going to eat either  there are tons of other things. For example all nuts ;almonds are especially good. Also try broccoli and eggplant(eggplant is a vegetable in case you did not know. and if you have never cooked it ask someone in produce to help you because it has to be cooked a certain way or else you could get sick), they are both good sources of protein. and if all else fails they have protein bars and shakes that contain not meat.

  4. There are lots of soy products, and I am guessing that you have seen them.  There are soy products that are like bacon, deli meats, etc.  There is also seitan, which may be in the frozen or refrigerated section.  It is wheat protein and used extensively in Chinese and Vietnamese vegetarian dishes. it can be prepared to be like poultry or seafood.

    There are frozen prepared meatless chicken tenders, meatballs and all sorts of things.

    For plainer fare, there are beans, canned or dried to be cooked, and all sorts of nuts.  Nuts are good since they have good protein and excellent fats.

    Remember that vegetarian or not, you should eat plenty of fresh vegetables and some fruit to keep you healthy.

    You must train a lot, so try different foods and see what works best for you.  We are all different and you need to figure what works best for you.

  5. You are going to have to consume greater amounts of SOY protein than WHEY protein in order to keep your lean muscle as the body doesn't process the SOY protein as efficiently.

  6. Milk - 1 cup - 12 grams of protein

    Peanut Butter - 2 Teaspoons - 7 grams of protein

    Certain Cereals are packed with protein and whole grains

    Anything soy, you'll be fine, make sure you get your iron too. Iron is in leafy greens and (you may not know this) watermelon, 2 large pieces equals the same as a serving of meat.

  7. Soy protein powder will deliver the same results then any whey or egg protein powder.  I have gone vegetarian for 8 months now and I have dramatically noticed an increase in energy and I developed lean muscle mass with the soy protein shakes.


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