
I would like to visit Australia and possibly relocate my family there. How is the economy and jobs ?

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I would like to visit Australia and possibly relocate my family there. How is the economy and jobs ?




  1. In terms of the economy, unemployment is at the lowest rate in nearly 30 years. As long as you have relevent experience and can get a working rights finding work should not be to hard. This is impacting on the wages people are getting paid and there is some fears that companies are overinflating wages in an effort to attract staff. This is leading to inflation issues and as mentioned above rate rises.

    I would suggest checking out seek and mycareer to get an idea of the job market in your area of experience.

    A commonly used visa to look into is a 457 visa. This is a temporary visa usually issued for up to 4 years and requires company sponsorship. To obtain one of there visas you need to have a job at a company willing to sponsor you, an occupation on the list of skills required and be earning over a certain amount (about AUD$58,000 currently)

    You can get more information on the visa here:

  2. unless you are a skilled worker in an occupation australia is looking for it will be difficult to immigrate

  3. most countries have a web site describing their counrty. it lists economy,industry etc. you can also find out the name of a newspaper there and get on their site, i find this to be more informative as you can get info in real time.

  4. The economy is booming and there are plenty of jobs, the unemployment rate is at a minimum. We have had repeated interest rate rises in an effort to slow the economy and reduce inflation.

    To migrate to Australia you need to be under 40 and have a skill in demand in Australia - see for the details.

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