
I would like to volunteer at a local hospital?

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Im 14 years old and i have been i guess you might say "searching" for who i was. I loved math class alot and had dreams of being an alegbra teacher. Last year i had volunterred for a day care camp at my church and i was thinking about it about a month before i volunterred this year that i wanted to be a doctor. At first it was just a childrens doctor but i want to be an all around doctor and would like to volunteer in different parts of the hospital but Gas Transporation is a little bit of a hassle but i really want to do this. Is there any website i could go to or anything like that?




  1. If you want to volunteer at a local hospital then call the hospital and ask for the volunteer coordinator.  That's the best way to go about this.

  2. Volunteering is a great way to see what kinds of jobs are available that you might want to do professionally when you are an adult; what a smart way to make career decisions!

    If you know you want to volunteer at a hospital, call the main number listed in your phone book (you don't give a location, so I'm guessing you're in the USA?). Ask for the volunteer coordinator. She will know what kinds of jobs they need volunteers for - maybe working in the gift shop, delivering flowers, whatever. She will be able to tell you where & when to show up, or even if you are old enough to volunteer. Each place has its own requirements.

    Just because you deliver flowers, don't let that be the end of your learning experience. Use the opportunity to ask questions of employees who are there. Ask nurses, doctors, med techs, x-ray techs, ask them what they do, what they like about their job, what is most challenging about it (nice way to say "what don't you like?") how much schooling do you need, and so on.

    By the end of the summer you should have an idea where your interests lie.

    Best to you.

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