
I would like to work for the United Nations and have no idea how to apply.?

by  |  earlier

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I am an anthropologist teaching English in Taiwan. I want to work for the United Nations but don't know how to initiate the application process. Any details will be welcome.




  1. the UN is political. maybe you should start at a local level, communicate with lower ranked politicians that will actually take the time to speak to you one on one. Make as many contacts and friendships as you can. work your way up by doing volunteer work, assisting, contributing to charities, etc etc. Basically just make a name for yourself. people need to know who you are before you work for the biggest peace organization in the world. But stick with it and good luck, we need more good people like you in the world.

  2. Tell them you don't want to do any thing but write letters and your anti-American and your a shoe in

  3. write to:United Nations General Assembly,

                  New York City.

                  New York...or same,except




                   Mark your C.V & covering letter

                   Att:Human Resources.

  4. open their websites

  5. Tell them you are a terrorist, they'll hire you in a second.


  7. I don't know why you would want to work for them, but here's the ditty.  They recruit you.  You don't apply.  You can apply to be a Goodwill Ambassador but that's it.  If you're wanting to be a full fledged worker with the UN, they have their own people who scouts colleges and political venues.

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