
I would like your opinion & advice for DCIS?

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I would like to ask those of you who have read most of my answers - a question,

6 months ago I was diagnosed with DCIS, this is my 4th bout with cancer, I will be 50 in Nov.

I have been following my alternative as well as conventional practices, but I am still having a difficult time with this. The chemo is just killing me and I just do not have the energy to keep fighting-I would love to have help with this one-please. thanks




  1. Dear Maise,

    Of course you are! I am humbled. I am suffering hyperemesis gravidarim (pregnancy excessive nausea potentially life threatening). It is compared to 'chemo without the compassion'. I am hesitant to say anything as I am not in your shoes and I know how much that hurts. But I will say this: I think that you are an amazing amazing woman. You have endured so much. I can't tell you to keep enduring because I know that sometimes you just want to curl up in a ball and cease to exist. Cease to struggle. The other day I was at this point and today some flowers arrived from a friend. In some ways I think she is my only friend. But I cried because someone does love me and I thought I never would have known that if I had given up 2 days ago. Are you on ondansetron for the nausea? I know it ceases to work after a while. It is better intravenously. My heart goes out to you. God bless. No-one will scorn you whatever your choices are. No one with a heart. People like you deserve an award.  

  2. Have you used Conium Maculatum in the alternative therapy?

    Its female symptoms as per Boericke are:

    Female.--Dysmenorrhœa, with drawing-down thighs. Mammæ lax and shrunken, hard, painful to touch. Stitches in nipples. Wants to press breast hard with hand. Menses delayed and scanty; parts sensitive. b*****s enlarge and become painful before and during menses. (Calc. c.; Lac can.) Rash before menses. Itching around pudenda. Unready conception. Induration of os and cervix. Ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated; lancinating pain. Ill effects of repressed sexual desire or suppressed menses, or from excessive indulgence. Leucorrhœa after micturition.


            Calcaria Carb and Lac Can also can help. check the following link for further symptoms and medicines.  

  3. Isn't there a cancer-curing tea out there discovered by a Canadian woman?

    Here are some links. I don't know if it works or not though.

    Best of luck to you. I cannot imagine what you are going through. And frankly, I hope I never know. It's scary how prevalent cancer is nowadays.  

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