
I would like your opinion please?

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I went to an opthamologist this week because I have been diagnosed with diabetes and my dr. recommended I see one to get my eyes checked out and I do have some problems seeing at a distance and have noticed other changes in my vision. My appt. was at 9:15. I got called back at 9:20. At 9:35 I was already on my way home. My eye "exam" only lated 10 minutes! Is this normal? The eye dr. said "30 yrs. ago your regular dr. would look in your eyes in his office, not send you to the eye dr." All he did was shine a light in my eyes and look at them. He had me to look through one lens and I could see the whole chart and then he had me look through a second one. I told him it was about the same. He said "glasses won't help you. Sorry I can't fix your vision problems. Take this paper to the front and check out". That was it. Do you think this dr. is a quack? Do you think I should seek a second opinion?




  1. I would seek a second opinion but honestly if you saw the whole chart with both eyes, you don't need glasses so there is nothing any eye doctor can do.  

  2. uhm. ya and this time dont get a clueless guy thats only after ur money :)

  3. My eye exams never last long, but I don't have any issues.  If it makes you feel better try another doctor.

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