
I would love to be a model but I am 13 years old do you know of any other jobs I could do earning good pay?

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I am p pretty sure Im a near enough stereotype 13 year old model or if not does anyone know of any other job that pays good money for some one my kind of age?




  1. How about get an education because one day your looks will fail and if you don't have a mind to fall back on then you will have nothing.  

    Appearance is fleeting.

    Knowledge is value.

  2. At 13 probably not.

    And as you grow up you will probably realise that the chances of you being famous in any way are tiny.

    Not meaning to put you off but I'd say stick with your education.

  3. In a word, no. If you wan't to earn good money in a decent job you have be legal employment age and you have to work hard to get the education and skills required to do the job just like everyone else. If you fancy a hard life in which you work long hours, rarely see those you care about, your looks are constantly questioned, you are likely to develop and eating disorder or a drug problem and in which you are highly unlikely to get good consistant work, then yes choose modelling. I am saying this to be kind honey, life isn't handed to you on a plate and modelling is FAR from the easy, walking up and down, glamour dawn to dusk industry it appears to be. BE VERY CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!

  4. a paper-round?

  5. As far as I know (I live in the US), you can't really get a 'job' as an employee of a company (ex: a franchise restaurant) besides one in which your family is involved until you're 14 or so. Modeling's far off for someone your age, but you can still get involved in some small jobs with light pay that give you experience in the field. For example, you could offer to give haircuts to some people you know. If you're very confident about your skills and knowledge, you could offer style advice to people (this would probably need some advertising).

    Another thing is photography. Almost everywhere, there are people who want to remember moments in their lives, but somehow always end up doing it badly. If you have a camera, you could brush up on taking good pictures and take photos for people who are willing to pay. Only do this if you're confident that you can take good pictures, or word will get out that you're not.

    If you have Photoshop or a similar editing/design program, people pay good money for designing logos and editing digital photos. Keep in mind that this can have some 'busy work,' and is not for everyone.

    Hope this helps, and good luck.

  6. Butchery or carpet fitting are good options.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Why you want a job at 13 you should be playing with barbie and rollerskates and enjoying your childhood.

  8. My daughter works in a hairdresser on a Saturday for 4 hrs !!!

    She 14 but been there a year now

    Could try some thing like that

    Good luck

  9. basicly the short answer is no, and yes it sucks

    but at your age, although you are legally old enough to work, there is no protection for you for a minimum wage etc

    so if you were to get a job, they in theory could pay you whatever they wanted. when i was 14 i had a job working in the local corner shop and they payed me £2 an hour which looking back was **** really!

    what i suggest you do is offer youre services around, make a poster/buisness card and put them up places

    you could do things like.... dog walking, baby sitting, gardening, house cleaning, etc cleaning windows and jsut odd jobs.

    another idea which would also work quite well is you could sell things, like ur old stuff on ebay. or make things, you could make cakes and cards etc and take them to your local corner shop and ask them to sell them for you, (they will probs say yes) or set up a lil stall.

    as for modeling, wait til ur 16, and you will need to be 5ft8

    good luck


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