
I would never do that.. but?

by Guest61829  |  earlier

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Ok so my boyfriends been having this reoccurring dreams that I'm going to cheat on him with my best guy friend. I would never do that in a million years. And him in his concious self knows that I would never do that, but somehow he thinks dreams have a way of coming true. Now, he's being insanely paronoid. And I'm afraid that he's going to create a problem because hes so scared of my doing that..

I would never in a million year cheat on my boyfriend. And its strange because he's the one thats such a big flirt. Yet, he's scared I'm going to cheat on him. I know its just his fears coming out as his dream, but he's acting weird. And the dreams don't seem to be going away.




  1. Maybe this means you should open youre eyes about your best friends maybe you should stay away from him for a while

  2. i get dreams like that to but there my boyfriend leaving me for other girls. but i dont think it would be that it is gunna happen maybe its a sign of feeling insecure i am not sure i just know i get dreams like that too but i know nothing will happen your brain does weird things to you sometimes.

  3. I don't want to freak you out... but a lot of time when a significant other starts acting paranoid about the other cheating for no reason, it usually means they've either been unfaithful or considered being unfaithful.

    The 'dreams coming true' is c**p.  What about all of the nightmares kids have?  Dreams are really just an expression of our subconscious... so either he was afraid you were going to cheat BEFORE the dreams came on, or he's been thinking/doing something behind your back.

    Try talking to him.  Tell him that if he doesn't KNOCK IT OFF you're out... because you, honey, haven't done a single thing wrong.  And it's not right that he's acting differently because he thinks you might cheat... all because of a stupid dream.

    "No.  I'm not going to cheat on you.  But if you don't knock it off, I WILL leave you and find someone else that's capable of TRUST." would do just fine.

  4. umm soo whats your question?

  5. okay, have u ever heard that wen someone thinks they r  gonna b cheated on it means that they r  the one cheating? think about that  

  6. Do all three of u hang out together? If not then you should arrange that, so he can see how u r around your friend and maybe that will ease his fears.

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