
I would prefer a SNP UK government ruling from Scotland?

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then new labour in Westminister.

I know the SNP would represent me better then new labour, do you agree?

This is my conclusion as an Englishman.




  1. Croxx, i don't really know a lot about the SNP so can't really give you a qualified answer. Of course, we all wanna get rid of "New" Labour (actually "Very Tired and Stale Labour" now).

  2. If that were so, would in not be necessary to transfer all the Scots in the UK parliament back up to Scotland?

    Surely this would leave the UK Parliament virtually empty.

  3. The SNP is legal so why shouldnt the BNP be?

  4. Oh, I think you're probably right, on the grounds that practically no one could bugger it up quite as well as New Labour.

    Troll 47.... one, the BNP is not illegal, although many think it should be. Two, the BNP is right wing and open to accusations of racism. The SNP is left wing and, well, isn't.

  5. Generally speaking if the choice was New Labour or the SNP - I can honestly say that in terms of basic competence there is no contest and I am glad that Alec Salmond ejected that awful bunch from Holyrood.  I still don't want independence but do want the good governance that Labour is incapable of providing.

  6. I would prefer an English government controlled by English parliamentary members. It is just as "wrong" as the control Brussels has over the UK because of the European Parliament. I would like it even more if Labours total demise could come even sooner than the next scheduled general election. After last nights result, I see no way back for Gordon "Heathcliffe" Brown

  7. yes but b.n.p are even better

  8. It is your choice.

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