
I would really appreciate if someone could help me! (College Related Question)?

by Guest55896  |  earlier

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I am a Florida state resident in my senior year of high school. I desperately want to get into University of Washington and start my life on the West Coast, I have just hopelessly fell in love with the state. Academically, I see no reason as to why I would not get accepted, my only major concern is out-of-state tuition and how I would pay for my education. I'm thinking about getting into the comparative religions/international affairs major with a minor in human rights. I feel my dreams are beyond my reach seeing as I am left in the dark as to what options are available to me. I have family that lives in the Seattle area that have offered to provide me with a place to stay for the time being, but either than that I would be completely independent. I have some scholarships (bright futures/talented 20) in FL, but I just don't feel like this is where I want to start my life. Any advice would be much appreciated. Even if it is to tell me that I am completely crazy about thinking about this




  1. There is no reason why you can't do it. If money is an issue, apply for more scholarships. Loans will get you through school too like the majority of other students. And, once you reach your dream goal and graduate those loans hopefully won't be that big of a deal. You consolidate them and pay them off!

  2. To give yourself the best chance for getting admitted and for scholarships, follow the Senior Application Strategy at

    Start the college application and financial aid process early!

    Good luck!

  3. I dont see any problem about you getting into a college on west coast. Apply for FAFSA and other loan programs that offer low interest rates that will kick in after you graduate. When you are in college dont stop applying for scholarships. I saved about $15,000 doing this. Scholarships are not just for seniors in high school

  4. List your relatives house as your residence and you don't have to worry about out of state tuition.

  5. Go in the middle to Ohio's University of Steubenville. They're excellent with that major. Voted the best around.

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