
I would to have esp can anyone tell me how?

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oops would like to have




  1. We would all like to have the supernatural power of reading other people's minds.  Unfortunately this is not possible.  I suggest you make an effort to learn more about the world around you using natural means.

  2. I think that people's thoughts should be kept private. I even think their phone conversations should be kept private. You can get into a lot of trouble messing with esp. You can think you're reading one person's mind...but it might be the mind of the person standing next to them...or it might be your own thoughts..or it might be a spirit talking to you . I think if you don't already have esp...then you should leave it alone. I also think that  if you don't already have ghosts...don't go looking for any. You'll be happier without these "gifts".

    EDIT.. LOL...see...John S. knows me so well...he read my mind!!! I promise I didn't read what he wrote first...and I definitely agree with can be a real burden...and I don't want it. I think I used to have it but didn't realize it. It got me into a lot of trouble and I lost a lot of friends.If it happens to me now...I try to ignore it. But's funny when it happens!I don't mind those kind.

  3. practice practice practice! its like piano, we cant all play bethoven but we can learn chopsitx

    get some books from the library and start there

  4. If such a thing exists, you would soon get depressed and go crazy. Better not to know how awful we are, lol. Just get satellite or cable, you can get ESP N that way.

  5. i was walking along the lakeshore the other day when i spotted a pretty shell.  i picked it up and standing right in front of me was a short man with a large mauve button on his lapel reading "Learn ESP!  Ask Me How!"

    so i asked.  He looked into my eyes for a minute, then said "You sure you don't want to just learn Locksmithing at Home?  I got a discount this week..."

    if you need any keys made, just ask.

  6. Jade, there are quite a few people who will tell you how they think you can develop ESP. Just keep in mind that ESP has never been conclusively demonstrated, even in the scientific studies that have been done on it, few as they are. Those results are at best debatable. At the present time, there isn't a good scientific basis for believing in ESP. You'll probably have to take it on faith.

    EDIT: Jade, take note that "quotemining" can be a convenient way to lie. For example, someone may cite a quote from researcher Ray Hyman from 1991 when he had more optimism for psi, but carefully avoid any mention of his conclusions made later on. That's certainly a form of lying, since later in 1996 Hyman concluded that "the autoganzfeld experiments constitute neither a successful replication of the original ganzfeld experiments nor a sufficient body of data to conclude that ESP has finally been demonstrated. This new set of experiments needs independent replication with tighter controls." (see link below). So Hyman's final conclusions about the Ganzfeld experiments and evidence for psi were overall negative, not positive. I'd encourage you not to take my quote on faith either, but research it for yourself :)

  7. You do have the gift of esp but have you found the watcher of Nature yet?

    The green man awaits you , do not make him wait and your gift of esp will be awarded instantly

  8. we all have esp it just knowing how to use it . First step my friend, is I would meditate and connect with that inner being, if you've never meditated before i would suggest buying some beginners books. It is real how far would you go to find it?

  9. there is no way to tell you how to get ESP! According to those who believe your born with it, its a gift. But its not something that comes in a box, or you can get taking a course. Sorry.

  10. No, yes, maybe. I would start with reading up on the scientific research literature to get a better understanding of what ESP is and the different types as well as how it is tested.

    I have included a link to the Parapsychological Association for you below. Also, this web site has links to psi (ESP) games/tests that you can try.

    You may also want to read up on the autoganzfeld experiments (link below). These experiments have provided results that can not be explained by poor methodology or bad statistics.

    "Hyman, in 1991 [20] commenting upon a presentation of these results by the statistician, Utts [12], concluded that ``Honorton's experiments have produced intriguing results. If, as Utts suggests, independent laboratories can produce similar results with the same relationships and with the same attention to rigorous methodology, then parapsychology may indeed have finally captured its elusive quarry.'' (p. 392). (link to site below)

    Skeptics mostly argue now on grounds of theory

    "Obviously, I do not believe that the contemporary findings of parapsychology, [...] justify concluding that anomalous mental phenomena have been proven. [...] [A]cceptable evidence for the presence of anomalous cognition must be based on a positive theory that tells us when psi should and should not be present. Until we have such a theory, the claim that anomalous cognition has been demonstrated is empty.[...] I want to state that I believe that the SAIC experiments as well as the contemporary ganzfeld experiments display methodological and statistical sophistication well above previous parapsychological research. Despite better controls and careful use of statistical inference, the investigators seem to be getting significant results that do not appear to derive from the more obvious flaws of previous research.[18] (link to web site below)

  11. It is impossible to have something that does not exist.

  12. not to be mean but i do not really understand your question can you explain it more please

  13. Go to your local drug store, they can sell it to you, about $3.98 a can.

  14. I think you either have or you don't. I have always had it. And, as was said above, if you just got it all of a sudden, I think it would drive you crazy.  It's a gift and a burden.  If you see something bad how do you tell someone, or should you?  It's not at all what most people think,  it's a real pain in the butt most of the time.

  15. its not real.your subconscious clues your brain on intuitive thoughts,insights thats all real esp is.over time even a child can learn intuition well enough to predict things,that make it appear like esp.

  16. Look up "remote viewing center". Good info.

  17. opiets

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