
I would very much appreciate some help on why the world is coming to an end?

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if you read the king james version of the bible please help me understand.......... in revelation it says I come quickly or somethin like that . Aint it been like 2000 years since Jesus left? what are some of thye prophesies that still havent been completed? if you know please help a stupid girl out




  1. We have a completely different concept of time from God, Who lives in eternity. It is hard for us to break out of our time-bound condition and imagine what it is like not to reckon time any more. It has taken all this time to spread the Gospel to every nation (and there are still a few remote tribes who don't have the Word of God in their language). Two major prophecies yet to be fulfilled are the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem (for which there are plans) and the manifestation of the Antichrist.

  2. none of what it says in revelation is true. there will be no "end times" no "rapture" no four horsemen and all that rubbish. just chill out and enjoy your life!

    half of the stuff you hear isnt even mentioned in the bible anyway.

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