
I would vote for the one who will get the licenses lifted for propaganda "news" broadcasting, would you?

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enough is a fxxking nuff!!

the people like george soros, timewarner and the larry king an wolf blitzer manipulators have gone to far. they are sick and evil workers for something very unamerican. cnn, the unamerican broadcast team. bush is unable to do anything about this thing or much of anything else. he cannot even call for a acrackdown by the fcc. they have taken his power and they are ruling congress and have Obama all qued up to go into the white house. not a race thing, at all. obama is a deception, a stooge for the real power funding this travesty. wake up and smell the coffee.




  1. Problem is, a lot of people (myself included) disagree with you about which people are biased and delivering propaganda rather than news. The importance of the free press is that every view is presented and we cannot and should not be able to stop people from speaking just because we don't like what they say.

  2. No.  By law we have a free press, and the president can't tell the media what to say, or can he.

    “There were (FOX) commentators and pundits who were useful to the White House.” Former Bush White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, Hardball, 7/24/08

    Scott McClellan admitted that Bush White House used Fox commentators as their spokespeople feeding them what they wanted the Folks™ to believe.

    Talking Point: An idea which may or may not be factual, meant to provide the most effective attack to saturate discourse and frame a debate. When used politically, the purpose is to propagandize by continuous repetition within media outlets until accepted as fact."

    "On MSNBC’s Hardball last night, host Chris Matthews asked former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan if he saw “FOX television as a tool” to get the White House’s “message out” while he was in the Bush administration. “Certainly there were commentators and other, pundits at FOX News, that were useful to the White House,” replied McClellan, adding that they were given “talking points.”

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