
I write a manga, and I need new Idea`s?

by  |  earlier

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Normally, its about me, my friends, and our lives, but now, I created them as their own special powers. From the main...est? Charecters to least....est? Charecter, is Ikari [[powers: water]] Sen [[powers: fire]] Poroshi [[powers: earth]] Penta [[powers: animals]] Sakura [[powers: technology]] I just need new ideas for enemys, battles, and stuff.

1 month ago (Tiebreaker)

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1 month ago

I REALLY appreciate the help guys! Im new so thanks, and What ever I choose for the next season, [[Sensei Ikari Angels]] I will tell you guys about it.......somehow! lol thanks again!


p.s. It probabley wount help as much, but it has a blog and a myspace! the blog is:

Its made from one of the girls that are in it and some of the things arnt true and u can tell from me yelling at them ^.^ but most is.

and the myspace is: www.myspace/

and I run it so it sucks and i dont have a SCANNER so I have to get images of thye internet so sorry!

4 weeks ago

I dont think this would help AT all but I can give you some idea`s on what each charecter looks like.




  1. Ok I think the reason why not many people have answered this question is because it is too long. I envy you with the ability to draw well enough to create a manga but if you don't have the ideas for it than maybe you should try making a plotline  

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