
I write from Italy and I'm leaving soon from Ireland.?

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I'm staying soon in a family that I don't know. If you are from Ireland, please can you tell me some useful advices about your country (your traditions, your habits, your customs)?




  1. Learn to like potatoes. Also, many families eat their main meal in the middle of the day, although this is not a general rule anymore. The evening meal usually takes place between 6 and 8 pm. Ice cream in Ireland is nothing as good as the Italian ice cream you get in Italy. Same goes for pizza. Wine is very expensive here, especially the nicer vintages.

    I don't think you'll find there are too many differences between the countries, to be honest. Although I have found that the Mediterranean diet is nicer and a lot healthier than what most Irish eat.

  2. Practice and get ready to drink yourself sense less, get some self defence advice, get the " Irish swearing for beginners" from Amazon and most important: don’t wear anything with Italian flags on it!

  3. i presume you are a student if you are coming to a family you dont know. everything in ireland is very expensive compared to italy, eating out and public transport especially. we have our main meal at 6 o clock but i suppose it differs from house to house. i had students before and a lot of families that take students just make chips every day, with sausages one day and burgers the next. i know this because i do it once a week and they tell me their friends have it every day. another thing you will notice different is the amount of young people smoking and drinking over here is a lot higher than in italy. also, our national games are hurling and gaelic football, games they dont have in italy. soccer is played aswell. another thing you will notice is that shops are open 9-6 and dont close in the middle of the day. there are a lot of differences, but these are the main ones, and of course the weather is a lot better in italy, but you probably know that.

  4. bring a VERY BIG umbrella...

  5. You must like potaoes! or spuds as we like to call them! When people think of Irelands its all leprechauns, green fields and traditional old music, but we're a lot more modern that that! A tradition would be to go to the local pub for a few drinks at night, listening to music, it depends on what part of Ireland you're going to. Like in the south and south-west, you'll hear a lot more traditional music and see the typical Irish scene of fields of sheep! But in the east its more modern with night-clubs and shopping and stuff! Just remember to pack all sorts of clothes as the weather can change very quickly from one day to the next!

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