
I wrote a Euwaitian Crapee or is it a post modern Haiku?

by  |  earlier

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My laptop has gone ......................... funny

It didn't cost much ............................. I found it in a skip

Soon it will be going ......................... home

It's picking up interference ............... from Mars

I'll need a new one soon .................... maybe from the Moon

Can anyone recommend .................. any good skips




  1. "Hi!",

    I love this one. It's really funny.

    I'm going to have to attempt a funny one.

    Great job

    Cheers. : )

  2. Trigee-nosis was eradicated after the Great Corn Blight of 97.

  3. If you find a laptop in a skip .................. not funny

    It'll cost more than that ..........................  leave it in the skip

    Stooge be coming home .................  ... to the skip

    He is a Martian with a hat .................. . made of tinfoil

    glue a antenna .......................... to that abacus

    pretend you get .................... .... a signal

  4. Good job - well done LOL. You found it while skipping home from Mars??  That is a visual worth having - loved it ♥

  5. I think its a Masters Ring Piece or a Master for the Bate gallery or at least worth a Mahsters degree in Crapee Commodetry.

  6. Wow am I getting confused here, I thought haiku was 5-7-5  or are you guys just kidding around here?  Anyway the poem was funny and some of the answers as well!


  7. The skip makes it slip

    other then that the read

    really jives.

  8. Maybe Eu should Wait until you get TD's approval/blessing/disapproval or analysis at least.

    Sorry, can't recommend any GOOD skips...

  9. We live in one dear.

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