
I wrote my own musical, are there any laws?

by  |  earlier

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I know that if you buy the script for a musical, sometimes you are not allowed to sell the tickets for money. Well, I was wondering if the laws have anything about self written plays. I have not used other people's music or anything like that. I think that it most likely is okay to sell tickets for money, but I just wanted to check, and I couldn't find anything online, so I am asking Yahoo! Answers. Thanks for the help everyone!!!




  1. check out the copyright laws. you should be able to have a free consultation with a copyright attorney to help you get your work legally copyrighted. there are forms and small filing fees to get the legal protection of public record documentation, dated, description,etc, that gives you the exclusive rights of creative ownership. and full legal control of all matters pertaining to it's use, copy protection, plagarism by others, etc. going the full legal route is the only sure way to see to it your rights are protedted in the public. by law.see also literary protection.. also try  search for the copyright offices. they are equipped to give you a great deal of information. get your info from the horses mouth, and not from someone at the other end. good luck.incidently, there are division between literary(scripts) and music, also a combined form for inclusive works, like musicals.

  2. Great job! I write musicals too. I'm 14 and I've written 3 so far and preform them at a college theater. No, there are no laws. You can sell tickets as long as it is all your own material, which I'm sure it is. Also, I recomend mailing the origional script to yourself and not opening it. That is called a poor man's copywrite. That way if someone tries to steal your work you have proof that it is yours. Good luck! :)

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