
I wrote "a Thing" about my Baby...almost 20 years ago...Would you like to read it?

by Guest60050  |  earlier

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It smells all musty, like old paper, but I think I might have always had it in me.... LIFE brought me to a halt.....

I'm sure you can relate,

I'm not going to EDIT, I'll leave that for you...

Give me a hand, shall I post it or not??

Blessings and thanks to you all!

No, not posted tonight, my husband is suspicious, His 50th is Friday... and there is a party!

Gotta go!!! Soon he'll be reading over my shoulder....

"Whatcha doin', Hon"



I love you JIMMY! You're my man!!!

Happy Birthday Darling!!!




  1. this is great. You are truly blessed.

  2. I'll be waiting

  3. It's not doing you any good just sitting there getting mustier.

    And from that little tidbit at the end of your post (the "exchange" between you and your husband), you DO sound like you have a touch of the poet in you --

    Besides, anything written by a mother about her child is inherently beautiful and worthy of being shared.

    Congrats to your hubby on the big 5-0!

    I'll keep my eye out for your "Thing".

  4. Post it please - most of my postings on here are at least 10 years old.

    (I thought your second line was about the baby.  Hm, I thought, that's an interesting description of a baby)

    Give this a Found this poem.....

    Tidy up the line lengths and bingo, you have another poem to add to your collection.

  5. post it and send me a copy so i dont have to look it up

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