
IAAF President Lamine Diack meets Russian Premier Vladimir Putin – Athletics news

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IAAF President Lamine Diack meets Russian Premier Vladimir Putin – Athletics news
To discuss the status of preparations for the 2013 IAAF World Championships, Lamine Diack, president of International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) visited Moscow where he held a one-on-one meeting with Russian Premier, Vladimir Putin on Thursday,
July 28.
The agenda of the meeting was to ensure the steps on Moscow’s part that may contribute towards the success of the next World Championships in Athletics, which has been scheduled in the second week of August 2013.
Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister, content with having the privilege to host the global athletics event, ensured the IAAF’s president complete support from his government and on part of the Moscow’s Mayor.
According to the details published on a national website, the Russian premier, while welcoming the president IAAF said, “Mr. President, we are very happy to see you. The Athletics Federation is the biggest organisation of its type in terms of the competitions
conducted, the number of participants, and its place among other sports associations.”
Hinting towards the fact that Russia was also preparing for the Olympics 2014, Putin ensured his guest that his country was also striving to hold the IAAF World Athletics Championships amicably. The premier said that they were happy for having the invaluable
opportunity and were thankful to the Federation for trusting them with the responsibility.
Highlighting his country’s vast experience in holding some major sporting events, Putin also admitted that they still needed guidance and cooperation from competent athletics bodies to organise the event as per the lines laid down by modern standards. However,
he also ensured his own and then Moscow’s Mayor’s complete support to make the event a success.
In response to this welcoming gesture, Lamine Diack also thanked the Prime Minister and remembered the time when Putin had received and met him about five years ago. Referring back to the meeting that took place back in 2006, Diack appreciated the fact that
even at that time Putin was concerned about the status and promotion of Athletics in Russia.
He also expressed his delight over the fact that right after their last meeting, IAAF had got VTB Bank as a major sponsor of the IAAF. He also expressed delight over the fact that Russia was executing preparations for the 2013’s World Championships amicably.
The only concern the president of the World Athletics body shared with his host was about anti-doping issues among Russian athletes. However, he expressed his content with the fact that things were moving in the right direction. To achieve the desired results
in context of the expressed concerns, Diack said that the IAAF, in collaboration with Russia’s Ministry of Sports, had played a very crucial role which needed to be appreciated.



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