
IADT, Tampa.?

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I had my heart set on attending this college, but recently i found some bad reviews on it.

I have no idea what to do now, help?




  1. I was thinking about attending IADT and I received this information from many IADT students prior to enrolling.

    CEC which owns IADT is closing schools and selling others

    CEC students and faculty are going through the IADT and CEC networks trying to get the word out about the state of affairs currently demolishing it's schools reputation. Get out if possible, meet with your president and ask for a refund and consult an attorney. CEC which recently bought these institutions is running them all into the ground with large investigations, numerous class actions lawsuits from investment companies, share holders, faculty, and it's own students. This is why they're selling and closing campuses as well as why their schools have been on probation.

    Selling information: The Devil is in the details



    This is why people are removing themselves: CEC; the new Enron?

    These groups are helping inform CEC students:

    -----(IADTwon't tell you this, so please investigate-----

  2. Most of these types of schools are rip offs. Go to a decent school. Enroll in USF or even HCC and stop looking at the c**p stuff that is largely geared to do nothing but steal large sums of money from less capable students.
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